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COC: Don't Leave the UCC - Study Questions


Q1 – What is the Community’s mandate and founding premise?

Q2 – What is the Community “concerned” about?

Q3 – How long has the Community been “concerned”?

Q4 – What has been achieved by expressing all this “concern” within the UCC, over the Community’s existence?

Q5 - What can be said about the underlining goals of the COC, when the focus of “concern” shifted to pleading with those orthodox people burdened to leave, asking them to stay in fellowship with the denomination?

Q6 – What does the COC say will happen to the UCC, if all evangelicals leave the denomination?  Is their own assessment not proof that reformers in the UCC serve more to mask the core reality of the denomination’s apostasy, than to rectify it?

Q7 – Is there any additional heresy that the UCC could declare that would be enough to cause the COC members to leave their denomination?

Q8 – What reasons did the COC give for declining to partner in a public petition against the very cause their denomination supported - redefining marriage?